Are you considered pretty in modern standards?

Hello! Wanna check if you are beautiful? Then this is the quiz for ya! Also everyone is unique, special, and beautiful in their own way, so don't be upset if you do not get your desired score.

This is my third quiz, and my first two quizzes are ' Are you a great royale high player?' and 'Are you beauty or brains' so if you are interested, check those out. And don't bother writing hate comments because I. Don't.Care. Hope you enjoy my quiz!

Created by: CookieAnna
  1. First of all, what's your hair color?
  2. For those who answered 'Dyed' for the previous question, which color is it dyed?
  3. How about eye color?
  4. For those that answered 'I wear contacts' for the previous question, which color is the contacts?
  5. I want you to stand up and look down. What do you see?
  6. Do you have any belly rolls?
  7. Run/ Jump for a while. After, what happened?
  8. What size clothes do you have?
  9. What is your skin color?
  10. What shape is your face?
  11. How long is your hair?
  12. Do you get stares or glances from others?
  13. Do you have acne or scars?
  14. Are you popular?
  15. Do people tell you that you are beautiful?

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Quiz topic: Am I considered pretty in modern standards?
