Are you an SAO Season 1 part one Fan?

This quiz will be testing if you can remember all SAO Season 1 episodes 1-14. If you get them right then good for you! If you get them wrong'll see.

In the comments please tell me if I got anything wrong, and if you are not pleased then just take the test again! Thankyou, like if you liked it and don't if you didn't!

Created by: Asuna_SAO
  1. Who did/does Kirito love?
  2. In the first episode who in the game is on the computer showing off their game with their friends?
  3. Does kirito sound dark near the end and happy to be a beater?
  4. Do sachi and pina die? (Episode 3&4)
  5. Does Yolko ever die? Reverse card! (E:5&6)
  6. Does Liz get to tell kirito her feelings for him?
  7. What does Kirito grab? (E:8)
  8. What is the monster's name?
  9. What guild is Asuna's old bodyguard really in?
  10. Is you an AI? Is Heathcliff gamemaster?
  11. Does Asuna get slashed?

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Quiz topic: Am I an SAO Season 1 part one Fan?

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