Are You Addicted To Youtube?

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Hello, I hope you are having a good day today! :3 This quiz will determine how often you are on Youtube and if you are addicted to it! So, yeah I hope you enjoy

I was once addicted to Youtube, but now I'm just on it often, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!! Trust me... I hope you are not addicted to it because although it can be helpful there is a lot of useless things you watch out there and then you get addicted to watching those things.......

Created by: Nat and Penny
  1. Do you believe that you are addicted?
  2. How often are you on it? (per day)
  3. How often are you on it?
  4. Do you have a Youtube channel?
  5. How long have you been wanting a channel?
  6. What do you mostly watch on Youtube?
  7. How long do you think you can go without Youtube?
  8. How easy would it be for you to not be on Youtube for a whole month?
  9. Do you ever browse Youtube for hours without really watching anything helpful or entertaining?
  10. Do you have anxiety whenever you go onto Youtube?
  11. Goodbye :)

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Quiz topic: Am I Addicted To Youtube?
