Are you actually popular are could you be a perfect actor?

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Hello! My name is Makenzie. If you are anything at all like me you are not even reading this. But if you are then please enjoy this quiz and have a good time with it!

To make this quiz funner please don't lie about the answers usually that always means that you just think your popular And you want to know it for yourself. But like I said before just have a good time. Please don't feel affended by your results and remember this is just a quiz.

Created by: Makenzie
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. How many good friends do you have
  3. If you needed one what would be your everyday catchphrase?
  4. Schools out for summer you are
  5. Are you single? Be honest
  6. What do you think of yourself as
  7. What is your hobby? (In case you don't know what a hobby is, it is something you really like to do.)
  8. Which do you consider yourself
  9. In school what are you
  10. What do your friends think of you as

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Quiz topic: Am I actually popular are could you be a perfect actor?
