Are YOU A Weirdo?

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Hello! Have you ever been called weird and then wondered if it is true? Well look no further than this very quiz! Some answers are PRETTY weird. Come take this quiz!

So you chose this quiz, huh? Well, you won't be disappointed! Have fun and be honest! It doesn't work if you aren't honest, peoples! Thank you all! Ciao for now!

Created by: Still_Slytherin.7572
  1. First, what is your favorite thing to do?
  2. What is your hair color?
  3. What is something you can't stand?
  4. If you could have one odd super power, what would it be?
  5. What should be your catchphrase?
  6. Your hidden talent is...?
  7. Which Guardians of the Galaxy character do you relate to the most?
  8. Do you like dogs?
  9. What do you wish your name was?
  10. Describe yourself.
  11. What type of people do you find yourself attracted to?
  12. Ideal shoes?
  13. Finally, do YOU think you are a weirdo?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Weirdo?
