Are you a unicorn queen, king?

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So this quiz is all about if your able to be a unicorn royal or not. Now l am a unicorn as you can tell and l run unicorn academy. Join unicorn academy

Know unicorns are amazing well l think we are but you mite have a different mind set and do what you can do to love life. Join unicorn academy. Believe in unicorns

Created by: Millyunicorn
  1. Do you love unicorns?
  2. Ar3 you good at leadership?
  3. Do l help other people?
  4. Are you a kind giving person?
  5. Are unicorns awesome?
  6. To you like cuddles?
  7. What’s your fav colour?
  8. What is your fav unicorn?
  9. What gender are you?
  10. How old are you?
  11. Do you respect strangers?
  12. Do you respect your family?
  13. Do I believe in everyone and anything no matter the size?
  14. Have you subscribed to milly unicorn 29s channel
  15. Do you cook

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Quiz topic: Am I a unicorn queen, king?
