are you a true bear lover?

i love bears so play this freaking game because i just spent a hour doing this and anyways no one reads what im writing anyways so who cares i love you

i like candy and otmeal no dude i was kidding i hate otmeal now do meh a favor and play this game because if you dont i will eat your mom so play lol jk

Created by: Emily
  1. if a bear walked up to you and gave you a hug and wouldent let go...
  2. its a saturday night and your camping in the woods, you went to bed and when you woke up the next morning a grizzly bear ate all your food...
  3. zombies attack the world and all thats left is you and a bear. ps. ther is no more food left.
  4. if you meyt a talking bear would you...
  5. why are you still playing this quiz?
  6. whats your favorite type of bear?
  7. if a bear ate off your leg would you still love bears?
  8. what do bears eat?
  9. if you had a pet bear, what would you name him/her?
  10. are you obsessed with bears?
  11. how often do you do research about bears?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true bear lover?