Are you a swiftie????

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This Awesome quiz is to see if you know Taylor Alison Swift the way you think you do.There will be 9 questions you need to answer. Lets get started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yas Queen! Slay Girl!!!!! You are number one. You got this! Swifties! HEHEHE!! Taylor Alison Swift. HIIIIIIIII! Top ten! Amazing. Awesome. Great Job!!

Created by: Kylie Finan
  1. When was Taylor Born?
  2. How many cats does Taylor have???
  3. What is Taylor's fav food?
  4. What state was Taylor Born in?
  5. What month was Taylor Born in?
  6. What does Taylor Swift's boyfriend play?
  7. What is Taylor's Favorite Album that she has wrote?
  8. Finish the lyrics: "And the players are going to play play play play play and......."
  9. What is Taylor Swift's middle name?
  10. Last question: How do you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a swiftie????
