Are you a Surfer

This quiz will sort out just what sort of surfer you are, how you see the sea, how you approach the waves, your style and your flair. We really want to help you uncover the true surfer within.

Surfing is about many things, it started with Aloha and ended up with "get off my wave" - the line up is populated with many types of character and we loathe them all.

Created by: windybeach
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Long is your Board?
  2. What are your ideal Surf Conditions?
  3. Do you SUP?
  4. Where is the best place to surf?
  5. Why Do You Surf
  6. What is your fave surf activity?
  7. Who is your Fave Surfer
  8. Do You Kite Surf?
  9. Have you Romanced another surfer?
  10. What is Paddle Round The Pier

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Quiz topic: Am I a Surfer