are you a smart creative artist?

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this quiz is for some extra artsy people. They wanna know if they're smart creative. let them come. let's do this thingie! am i right, or what? and if your ready. lets knock this pencil outta the park

are you ready to know if your smart and creative mixed together? come on artistic people! you know that feeling when your proud of something that YOU do? knowing that no one can do like you? comparison steals joy. SO TAKE THAT ART STYLE AND LOVE IT. know why!? cuz it's YOU.

Created by: Maddie
  1. would you rather use dull paints for a masterpiece or light grabbing colors?
  2. would you rather paint a wall or a dog?
  3. what color is brighter
  4. what is a better hack?
  5. what do you like drawing most?
  6. what is the best thing to do when messed up by your brother and/or sister?
  7. what type of techniques do you use?
  8. what's the smartest technique to use for sketching glittery stuff
  9. which ones are the best animation app?
  10. what can you draw best?

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Quiz topic: Am I a smart creative artist?
