Are you a skull or a heart?

A person who is a heart is very sweet and kind and has alot of friends. They are never mean and probably don't have any enemies. A heart person is very kindhearted.

A person who is a skull is very rude and mean and doesn't have many friends. They are usually always mean and have many enemies because of their rudeness. A skul person is very coldhearted.

Created by: ABC Rasputin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're walking down the hallway of your school and somebody shoves you.
  2. You see a really nice girl at your school getting teased. Then she starts crying.
  3. Which is your favorite color out of these?
  4. Which is your favorite numbers out of these?
  5. Are you kindhearted or coldhearted?
  6. Are you tough or harmless?
  7. Somebody tells you you're nice.
  8. Somebody tells you you're mean.
  9. How big is your heart?
  10. You are done.

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Quiz topic: Am I a skull or a heart?