Are You a Schizophrenic

There are many truly normal people who are out living there live in a truly nomal way but there are also many schizos that think there normal but are actually out in puplic screaming at peds with there shirt off

Are you one of them find out in a accurate percenage if you are one of those weather your taking a dump in your filing cabinet or just microwaving your genitles so try now for free are you a schizophrenic

Created by: silas martin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever voices telling you to do terrible things?
  2. Do you claim to have a magic flute that summons a lepricon
  3. Do you ever for no reason at all start yelling at cats
  4. Have you ever woken up in bath full of milk shake
  5. Have you ever met jesus
  6. If so did he sell you anything dodgey
  7. Are you half dolphin
  8. Are you eating a snake while doing this quiz
  9. Have you ever recieved turkey slices through a fax machine
  10. Which of the below best describe how you feel about this quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I a Schizophrenic