are you a retar.... i mean feminist?

DO you think you are retarde...... um..... I mean a feminist? To find out, take this quiz! Just answer these 10 questions, all of them are multiple choice.

If any of the answers do not match your answer, just go for the closest one. Ok well im out of words and it makes me type 300 so ill just type random stuff ok im done.

Created by: Ben
  1. Are you against abortion?
  2. The wage gap is real because....
  3. What are your views on transgender people?
  4. Should a trans person be able to use the any bathroom they like?
  5. How do you feel about Hillary Clinton
  6. How do you feel about Trump?
  7. Are women oppressed?
  8. Gun laws?
  9. several men think women are stupid
  10. do u thhink u are a feminist

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Quiz topic: Am I a retar.... i mean feminist?
