are you a moran?

Ever have someone call you a Moran or idiot and you can't figure out why? Or maybe you've called someone a Moran or idiot, so are you right? Try this quiz

This test digs deep to see if your perfectly right most of the time or if you're so wrong your considered a Moran. The questions may seem irrelevant to some, but these questions and answers can easily tell you if your really a Moran! 100 % accurate

Created by: cutekat22
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are people always trying to teach you what you already know, as if you never knew?
  2. Have you ever been accuses of doing something you didn't do?
  3. I hate when people don't listen!
  4. Are you always sticking your nose in friends and families business?
  5. Would I say I'm well liked?
  6. I yell scream, , call people names just because they don't understand me.
  7. I secretly hold a superiority complex
  8. I ask people if they understand the meaning of words and if they have issuses comprehending things out of arrogance.
  9. I usually misjudge people based on their faults
  10. I've called someone an idiot even when I knew I was wrong.
  11. I say y'all instead of you all
  12. If someone tells me I hurt their feelings, my response is usually careless
  13. I rarely complement my family, and tell them I'm pround
  14. If I had in laws they'd say
  15. Some people aren't on my level... Whatever that means

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Quiz topic: Am I a moran?