Are You A Mind Reader?

Hello! Do you think you're a mind reader? Can you read MY mind? Well take this quiz to see if you can! There's only ten easy questions to answer, and then you get the results!

I've taken a few amazing quizzes like mine and they all said I'M a mindreader. But are you? Well mabye you're an AWESOME mind reader, or maybe it's not your thing. Find out now! ----->

Created by: goldenparrot25
  1. Do you THINK you can read minds?
  2. Now, here's the test: What number am I thinking of?
  3. What food am I currently CRAVING?
  4. I rolled a dice. Yes, I DID. Crazy right?! Anyway, what did I roll?
  5. What emoji am I thinking of right now?
  6. What is the color am thinking of?
  7. I flipped a coin. Yes, I DID. Crazy right?! Anyway, what side did I get?
  8. What ice cream flavor am I thinking of? Now I want some ice cream...
  9. Who am I thinking of right now? It could be anyone...It could be YOU!
  10. Last Question: Why did I make THIS QUIZ?????

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Quiz topic: Am I A Mind Reader?
