Are you a kittypet or warrior cat? By Mooncat1010

If you're a cat, what would you be? Would you be a kittypet, warrior or just a plain human? Find out on this amazing quiz by mooncat1010 today! Warriors quiz

cats, warrior, pet, kittypet, warrior cats quiz, Mooncat1010, cats life, warriors books, warrior cats, twolegs, human love, cats clan, thunder cats,warrior

Created by: Mooncat1010
  1. What would you eat?
  2. Where would you live?
  3. What accessory would you wear?
  4. Pick an attack!
  5. You see a kittypet in your turf, what do you do?
  6. How do you call a human?
  7. If there was a chat for cats, what should it be called?
  8. if you lived in the wild, what will you do?
  9. Unscramble these letters! What do they say?Nodt eb a yknsit tep
  10. Pick a scent trail color!

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Quiz topic: Am I a kittypet or warrior cat? By Mooncat1010
