Are You A Jerk?

Think you are a jerk? In todays confusing world everyone is different. we see old men chasing young women, young boys knocking up their teachers(or vise versa),is this odd behavior? who knows....well, maybe this quiz....yo.

Killing babies? Beating up Boy Scouts? pah, you haven't lived. this quiz takes you to the edges of jerkeyness and fag-like behavior....well sort of, its not too long so don't worry if you don't have much time

Created by: Matt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you regularly lie to your friends and family?
  2. do you call people names?
  3. have you ever broken someones heart?
  4. is there someone who you always pick on?
  5. have you ever gone out with someone because you were paid to?
  6. have you ever cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
  7. do you talk bad about your friends behind their backs?
  8. how often do you make fun of someone?
  9. have you ever been in a fight with someone younger than you?
  10. have you ever stuffed firecrackers in a persons mouth while they were sleeping?
  11. ever put a living thing in a microwave?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Jerk?