Are you a good friend?

Thank you so much for taking the are u a gud friend quiz if u scored high congrats yours major good BFF if not so well u are crazy but hey you can not win them all

Thank you so much for taking the are u a gud friend quiz if u scored high congrats yours major good BFF if not so well u are crazy but hey you can not win everything lol enjoy

Created by: Chanel
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A friend tells you something really bad he/she.Did what do u do?
  2. Your BFFs boyfriend is really cute and guess what he broke up. With her and says he likes you!What do u do?
  3. Your BFF bought a new outfit and thinks its cute but everyone is laughing at her behind her back what do u do?
  4. Bland
  5. Sorry quiz is done don't got much to say
  6. Mad?
  7. Almost done just finish these and pick any after these
  8. Kiki
  9. J
  10. K

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Quiz topic: Am I a good friend?