Are you a descendants fan?

I love descendants and I hope you do to. I have seen descendants 1, 8 times. Descendants 2, 23 times. Descendants 3, 36 times!!!!! The love I share with descendants is the love I put in this quiz

Take this quiz and see if you truley are a decsendants lover like me! Never forget to try and beat my record of the times I watched descendants 1, 2 and 3.

Created by: Kitty100
  1. What number is Carlos in sports?
  2. What food was the love posion in?
  3. What fruit does mal love?
  4. Who does Sofia Carson act?
  5. Who is the actor to Jay
  6. What does Uma want
  7. Why does Audrey turn evil
  8. What animal is Dude
  9. Do you want this quiz to be over
  10. *You are Carlos* Who are you in love with?
  11. This quiz is now over

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Quiz topic: Am I a descendants fan?
