Are You A Conure Or A Fox... Or a human?

I made this quiz because me and my friend like foxes and conures, we don't like really enjoy humans that much (sorry) so this is just for fun to see also I made sure that the results fit the animals and not us !

I made this quiz when I realized that there were none other like this and wanted something like this, I made it to surprise my friend so ya, I don't think anybody else would use this because these are two completely different and random animals so... bye

Created by: Yarrowbird
  1. Pick a vacation spot!
  2. How much sleep do you get?
  3. What do you look for in a partner or friend
  4. Are you loud?
  5. What do you like to eat?
  6. What tones of colors do you like
  7. Do you like to dig holes
  8. What is your favorite music genre
  9. Pick a number :)
  10. How active are you?
  11. How many kids do you have/want to have
  12. Did you enjoy this quiz and/or are you exited for the results? (Does not affect final result)

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Quiz topic: Am I A Conure Or A Fox... Or a human?
