Apples, Cinnamon, and other Stories

It takes a true psychologist to understand what whas going through our minds when the events included on this quiz were happening. but good luck trying to see if you can figure us out anyway.

just take this quiz, and find out if you may be able to qualify to get in to our prestigious club... the SL. :) ;) :P luv ya! what is the SL you ask, I'll tell you at the end of the quiz!

Created by: Cat
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Finish this quote of the week... "we find butter.....
  2. What is another name for the "original"
  3. Who is one peoson someone in our "group" is goin out with?
  4. What is Sweatshirt obsessed with?
  5. Finnish this quote... "marco...
  6. what is an absolute inclusion in oranges?
  7. is it fun to stay at the YMCA?
  8. Name one peoson in STML.
  9. where was the first portal to shorttwig?
  10. Say one thing about the ass corsets.

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