American History Test

Just wanted to create a test for those who wanna test their American Historical Knowledg, don't take It too seriously, a lot of the questions aren't too well known, so If you don't know them than you're probably normal.

AAAnyway, hope you enjoy, don't forget to comment below to tell me what your results are I'm excited to see them, I actually didn't know all of these btw!

Created by: Amarok
  1. Which Famous General betrayed the Continental Army for the British?
  2. Who was the Tenth President Of the United States?
  3. Which of these two figures were prominent during the Gilded Era?
  4. Who wrote the famous American Novel "The Great Gatsby"
  5. Who was the first female senator?
  6. When did the great depression begin?
  7. Who was Alexander Hamilton?
  8. What was the name of 19th Century the former Enslaved man, who later became an Abolitionist, Diplomat, and Author?
  9. Which President was In officce froom the years 2001-2009?
  10. Where was the first Catholic Church In the U.S.?

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