Am I ready for 5th grade?

This quiz is to ease your worries about going into 5th grade by telling you what percent ready you are about going into 5th grade. If that makes sense.

All you have to do is tap the bubble that best describes you. Don’t take to much advice from me because I’m not a professional or anything. Thankyou so much for even glancing at this paragraph that no one ever looks at. Have fun!

Created by: Gia
  1. Do you enjoy grammar?
  2. Can you keep friends?
  3. Did you enjoy fourth grade?
  4. Do you cause drama?
  5. You get a test handed back to you. It says you got a C in the last science quiz. What do you do?
  6. Do you get embarrassed easily?
  7. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  8. How do you feel about going into 5th grade?
  9. Do you get mad about how certain things are done?
  10. Are you socially awkward?

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