Am I a therian?

This quiz will tell you if your not a therian or if you are a therian or furry. Have fun and please don't hate it's my first quiz I have ever made. Okay have fun doing the test

Okay so have fun also I make Whattpad story's my account is called WeridChickenNugget okay so have fun and find out if your a the the risk or not you can also get furry as a answer

Created by: Ky
  1. Do you like to act like a animal
  2. Do you like to be in the forest or some place that isn't around people
  3. Do you every feel like you have a tail,wings,scales, etc
  4. Do you feel connected to a animal
  5. Do you hate/dislike furry and therians
  6. Do you ever want to bark
  7. Do you like nature
  8. Do you ever feel like you have animal instincts
  9. Do you watch furry/the risk stuff on youtude
  10. Did you like this test ( it was the first one a made that's why it's not the best )

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