Am I A Good Friend?

In this quiz you will find out if you are a good friend or not! Do you think you are selfish at all? Compare your answers to the quizzes and find out what your friends REALLY think of you!

Once you have your results you can find out how to improve! If it turns out your a bad friend try to improve then take this quiz again! You can complete this quiz in under 5 minutes!

Created by: Llama Glama
  1. If there is one cupcake left and you have your friend over do you:
  2. Do your friends call you:
  3. Do you think of yourself as:
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. Choose one:
  6. Choose one:
  7. On someones birthday you:
  8. Choose one:
  9. Choose one:
  10. Do you think you are:

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