All about horses!

Please take my quiz because you will love it. You'll be able to see in less than 5 minutes whether you are a horse genious or if you know nothing about them!!!

Come on, you know you want to, TAKE THE QUIZ! If you don't you will never ever know if you are a horse genious or not! So just take the quiz, you will love it!:D

Created by: Hannah Saxby

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What do you call an adult female horse?
  2. What does it mean when a horse puts its ears forward?
  3. What is the fastest gait?
  4. What do you do when you are riding your horse and it rears?
  5. What is a bridle?
  6. How long does a foal stay with its mum for?
  7. When does a filly become a mare?
  8. Which of these is not a coat colour
  9. Why do you never walk directly behind a horse?
  10. how high does a pony go up to?
  11. Did you enjoy this quiz?

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