The Insanity Quiz

Hey have you ever wondered how strange you really are? I know I have and I am a really strange person just ask my friends...well you can't really coz they're imaginary. Hee hee! Mwa ha ha ha haaa!!! I like pie! But dude if you have any problems with the quiz it's honestly not my fault, well, it is but you can always blame it on Akon like his song says! Sorry Akon.

Try out my quiz and have a go if you get 100% though I suggest you get some help. Be careful and answer the questions truthfully and insanely...wait did I say that...oops sorry. I also appologise to Chris Crocker for involving Britney Spears in my quiz. I wonder what would happen if I swallowed my tounge? Hmmm... I wonder I really do. "Hey ya'll watcha doing" sorry that was just my split personality talking.

Created by: Zoe Westwood
  1. Are you insane?
  2. Do you have friends that nobody else can see or hear? Or are YOU one of those kind of friends?
  3. e=?
  4. Are you allergic to shellfish?
  5. Is Elvis still alive?
  6. Do you believe in Snoop Dowgge?
  7. How many fingers do you have?
  8. BONUS QUESTION: are you expecting to win a lollypop by answering this question?
  9. Have you ever been probed analy?
  10. Do you smoke, take drugs or drink any alcohol?
  11. How do you spell Encephelyitious?
  12. Sum up your personality with one word beginning with R?
  13. Have you ever had a fantasy about either of the following celebrities:
  14. Are you a cannibal?
  15. What is your favourite colour?
  16. Are you expecting a homosexual question?
  17. Is the Pentagon coming after you?
  18. Do you like firearms, sharp objects and/or setting things on fire?

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