The Hunger Games Quiz (HARD)

There are many fans about The Hunger Games!!!!!!! But not everyone is a Super Fan!!!!!!!!! Do you think you are a Super Fan??? If you think you are then try this quiz and may be the odds be ever on your favor :)

If you do bad do not beat yourself up just read and you may find the answer........ If you get a good score give yourself a round or applause because this quiz is not easy....... But if you get an excellent score then you are a SUPER FAN!!!!!!!!! Go AHEAD AND TRY THE QUIZ IF YOU DARE........

Created by: JEM

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the nickname of the part of District 12 where Katniss lives in?
  2. How old was Katniss when her father died?
  3. What did Gale trade at what time for bakery bread?
  4. What did Katniss' grandparents run?
  5. What was Gale's reaction to Katniss volunteering?
  6. What were Prim's last words to Katniss before being ordered to leave by the peacekeepers?
  7. In school, they tell Katniss that the Capitol was built in a place called the..........
  8. How many tributes die the first day?
  9. How fast is the capitol train?
  10. What color is the mockingjay?
  11. Who were the last 5 reaming tributes?
  12. What were the color of the flowers Katniss covered Rue in when she died?
  13. Who was the tribute that died 7th?
  14. Who were the tributes from District 1?
  15. What was the dress that Katniss wore to the interview with made of?
  16. What was the elevator of the Capitol building made of?
  17. In the 73rd Hunger Games what was the color of Ceaser's hair?
  18. Who is Titus?
  19. What was not an item on Katniss' backpack?
  20. Which law introduced The Hunger Games?
  21. Who was the head Game Maker?
  22. How does President Snow smell like?

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