How similar are you to me?

This quiz- and all it's questions- will tell about your personality and opinions. And for this one, you will find out how many of the questions you answered- where the answers I would answer, myself!

What is your favorite activity? How girly are you? These questions will keep you occupied, and the answers will be for a chart I'm making. It's a win-win! Have fun!

Created by: CupcakesRuler

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. What's your favorite game/website out of these?
  4. What's your favorite animal?
  5. Who's your favorite youtuber out of these?
  6. How girly are you on a scale of 1-10? (1 being super boyish and 10 being super girly)
  7. Who's your favorite "celebrity" out of these?
  8. What quality do you HATE in friends?
  9. What's your favorite holiday?
  10. What's your favorite flavor of pie?
  11. What's your favorite flavor of cupcake?

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me?