How much like me are you?

The world is an ocean, and we are fish. No two fish are exactly alike, just like no two humans are. We can be similar, but are any other people that similar to me?

Are you like me? You can only try to guess who you are like, but this quiz will tell you if you are like me! If you are, you are awesome! Are you awesome?

Created by: Kenz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like reading?
  2. Do you like swimming at the pool or in the ocean?
  3. What are your two favorite book series/authors out of these?
  4. If a kid fell down at the park and started crying, and his mom was pretty far away, what would you do?
  5. Can you dance?
  6. Who's your favorite celebs out of these?
  7. Favorite 2 Normal animals; favorite 2 weird animals- you just have to like 1 out of each choice
  8. Describe your style...
  9. Do you love your family?
  10. What does your faith in God mean to you?

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I?