Your life in the marauders era ( boy results. )

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So I saw this on a thing called Quotev, and I thought it was a good idea. So, you know Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs? This is a quiz on your life in that time. I hope you get something you want.

So enough of me talking for ages on the quiz! Time for you to Take it! There are two people for each house and all of them are guys so its a guy edition. sorry if you dont want that. they have girls in Quotev.

Created by: harry potter rules!
  1. yes you knew this was coming, what house are you in? (it does matter there are 2 results for each house. )
  2. What house would you WANT to be in?
  3. Whats ur Patronus?
  4. which group name would you want to have?
  5. What is ur dream hair ( I know, Totaly random. )
  6. Do you like Muggle Borns?
  7. Did you know that all the blacks are named after Constalaitions?
  8. Do you like Slytherins?
  9. Do you like Quidditch?
  10. pick a name.

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Quiz topic: My life in the marauders era ( boy results. )
