Write a Letter to Kirishima and have him write back!

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Today you will write a note to Kirishima and have him write back! Will it be a friend request, or are you just gonna throw trash at him? Please don't throw trash at him.

In this quiz, you have 5 possible responses. Will it be bad? Will you get yelled at. Hopefully not. UnU. Anyway, I hope y'all like this quiz and check out my other one(s) This is my second quiz, and I'm proud of it. Anyways, have a Pika-Pika day! Peace!

Created by: Sunny Dummy
  1. What paper do you use?
  2. What do you write with?
  3. How do you greet him?
  4. What do you talk about?
  5. How do you sign off?
  6. Envelope?
  7. Gift?
  8. How do you send it to him?
  9. Uh, fate
  10. Pick a phrase, cause why not

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