Would you survive the zombie apocalypse?

WW3 has started and you must survive the chaos of zombies, military soldiers, and supplies. You cannot do this alone, and you need to find some backup.

It will be a very big challenge, but you can make your way through the chaos. Make sure to choose the right answers, or you will be infected. Good Luck!

Created by: JJ the Great
  1. You wake up, to bombs falling in the sky. WW3 has started. You panic and you can't contain yourself. What do you do?
  2. 3 hours later, 90% of the USA is destroyed. A giant wasteland is everywhere. Luckily, you survived. You try to get out of your house, but its toxic out there. What do you do?
  3. You go through the wasteland, and you see a military base with a USA flag. I wonder what's in there... But, what will you do?
  4. You are inside the military base, and you investigate the housing. It is basically destroyed. You get jump-scared by an injured soldier who is there. What do you do?
  5. The soldier is still there whatever you did, and he tells you that Russia got overwhelmed by Ukraine, and they launched the nukes at the US, Europe, and South America. How do you react?
  6. You look through the armory and found some good choices for your primary weapon. What will you choose?
  7. What secondary weapon will you have?
  8. You find a room filled with supplies. You think of what to gather...
  9. You walk out of the military base to a shock! You encountered an army of zombies! You immediately take out your weapons. What do you do?
  10. Somehow, you finished the zombies. You are relieved when somebody surprises you. A mad scientist is mad you destroyed his army of test zombies. He takes out a plasma gun. What do you do

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