Would you like me?(body type and style/girl)

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I am cooler than my looks trust me; my personality is way or probably better... I'm not sure! I'm pretty sure that we could be at least friends; If you want... more?

I might make a quiz about if you like my personality and more, I wanna be at least friends or more! I don't bite so please don't leave... disregard that...

Created by: Uhhhh
  1. Do you like short hair in the front and long hair in the back?
  2. Dirty blonde with dull blue tips(hair)?
  3. Skinny girl?
  4. Wears black smudged eyeliner.
  5. Light green eyes.
  6. Straight jaw.
  7. Full lips.(Structure)
  8. 5"4' and a 1/2(height)
  9. Hourglass shaped body.(big top and bottom, but skinny waist)
  10. Commit your score and if you agree with your result.(This question will not affect your result)

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