Would you date me??? (all genders)

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herro herro I'm Keira {i go by Chyio on the internet} this is just a quiz I made cuz I was bored so yea im really tired now and im almost done so..... oof

okie why do I have to type 2 paragraphs??? okie so I am pan and im single and, my first just broke up with me so that's kinda sad also my cat died shortly after so im sad rn also im VERY VERY VERY VERY EDGY and i love creepypasta

Created by: Chyio loki
  1. How old are you to start off?
  2. How high are your self-confidence levels?
  3. Sexuality???
  4. Shans Dawson?!
  5. sIsTEr JAmEs CHarLEs?
  6. I'm a girl date me still?
  7. Creepypasta????!!!!
  8. tiktok Is GAy?
  9. pets?
  10. furry
  11. Gamer?
  12. Zodiac sign? ( if not here skip and go to next question )
  13. Zodiac sign {continued} [if your sign was in the previous question just skip this]
  14. bai?

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