Would Severus Snape marry you? (girls)

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Have you read the Harry Potter books, or seen the movies? Are you in love with Severus Snape? And even if you aren't, have you ever wondered if he would marry you?

Just because you aren't in love with him, which you probably are, doesn't mean that he can't be in love with you! So go ahead, take this quiz, and find out!

Created by: Sandra
  1. What house are you in?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What are you?
  4. Do you like Severus Snape?
  5. Severus gave everyone O's on their potions essays, even Harry and Ron! Why?
  6. What dress are you wearing to his wedding?
  7. Where do you sleep?
  8. What do you call Snape?
  9. If you ever have a child, what will be their last name?
  10. Last question, this does not count, rate this quiz

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