Would I date you? (I'm a pansexual girl)

This is just something for fun. Please be honest. DO NOT READ THE REST OF THIS. The quiz won't let me publish it unless I reach the character requirement which I just did.

Enjoy this quiz! Don't read the rest of this message, I'm just trying to reach the character amount so I can be able to publish this quiz. Okay, have fun!

Created by: Eve
  1. How old are you?
  2. What hobbies do you have?
  3. What kind of music do you listen to?
  4. What is your favorite book/movie genre?
  5. What's your relationship status?
  6. How do you act around people?
  7. Do looks matter?
  8. Do you like traveling to new places? (Like, outside your city or town.)
  9. Pick one word to describe yourself. *This will not effect your outcome by a lot, so be honest.
  10. Is it alright if I vent out to you occasionally?

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