would i be friends with you

quiz on whether or not i would want to be your friend!!!!!!!!! not very long and only 10 questions. if you score high you are sooooo awesome and great and i bet you are nice to talk to :DDD !!!

do not take it personally!!!!!!!!!!!!! not very serious quiz!! i dont judge people at all, this is just based on the type of people i can talk to easily!!!!!!

Created by: tokiwartooth
  1. are you gay
  2. if you had to choose which clothing item you would never be allowed to wear for the rest of your life what would it be
  3. pink or blue
  4. lots of friends who you arent close to or one friend you would want to live with for the rest of your life
  5. are you open-minded
  6. cuddles or kisses
  7. black or white
  8. do you judge people based on their body at all? (skin color, weight, hair, eye color, etc.)
  9. how many friends do you currently have?
  10. how well are you at being social??

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