Witch house are you in?

Find out what personality you have and how you relate to Harry Potter.You can even find out some fun facts about you.You can learn about what you do that affects your score.

It will tell you if you have wit,are fearless,have kindness,or if you love to play pranks and practical jokes.Maybe you found out something you never knew about you.

Created by: Alexa McCann
  1. Which name do you want to have?
  2. What would you rather do on a weekend?
  3. Up,down,left or right?
  4. Forest,river,beach or classroom?
  5. What time?
  6. You hear someone being mean to a kid.You..
  7. Witch pet would you want?
  8. What is your favourite saying?
  9. Witch class would you rather do?
  10. Witch fruit?
  11. What colour?
  12. What house do you want to be in?

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Quiz topic: Witch house am I in?
