wich wings of fire dragon are you sand,sea,mud,night,sky,ice

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we all love wings of fire series and have been wanting to know wich dragon species we are well here it is for all to enjoy and have fun wether you get the sea wing or mud wing you are YOU!!!!!!

sandwing,seawing,mudwing,nightwing,rainwing,skywing and icewing are all for you but you can only be one so here we goo give it a try and have fuuuun please

Created by: icewing
  1. what place would you like to live in
  2. what power would you have
  3. what would be youre most favrite transport
  4. what is youre favrite thing to do in youre spare time
  5. what dragon do you want to be
  6. what would you have as a pet
  7. what is youre favrite colour
  8. what do you like
  9. how do you describe yourself
  10. which spieces of dragon do you like most

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Quiz topic: Wich wings of fire dragon am I sand,sea,mud,night,sky,ice
