Wings of Fire what dragon are you

There are a lot of dragons with different personalities out there in the Wings of Fire world. Don't you want to know which one you are most similar to? Take this quiz to find out!!

With five results you can get, in just ten short questions you'll find out which Wings of Fire dragon character you are. Are you ready? I am! So, what are you waiting for? Let's GOOO!!!

Created by: J.J
  1. What is your favorite Wings of Fire character?
  2. What would be a good trait for a dragon?
  3. Would you fight another dragon to gain power?
  4. What would be your hobby as a dragon?
  5. If you could have anything as a dragon what would it be?
  6. What tribe do you think is the worst?
  7. What do you think about dragonets?
  8. What is a good name for a NightWing?
  9. Pick one: Blister, Blaze, or Burn
  10. What would be your superpower?
  11. What is your favorite Wings of Fire dragon tribe?

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Quiz topic: Wings of Fire what dragon am I
