Wich scandinavian country your supposed to be in.

This quiz is meant to show wich scandinavian country your supposed to be in be prepared because the awnsers can be shocking maybe your supposed to be in sweden or finland.

Depending on what results you got will decide wich scandinavian country your supposed to be in awnser all the questions depending on your true personality.

Created by: EL GOATO
  1. Wich animal would you rather have.
  2. What would you rather eat?
  3. Are you native?
  4. What would you rather do on your spare time?
  5. what is your favourite couler combo
  6. What gender are you
  7. Do you like goats
  8. how old are you
  9. Do you like snow
  10. Do you like winter

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Quiz topic: Wich scandinavian country my supposed to be in.
