whst tally hall membr R U?

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wowza buster brown!! you are want to make the do the tallly hall quiz?? who member is you are? are your zobin, rouse, joeys, rorbe, andereoo, or bohra???? we will never know unless take the wuiz

please take it it is sooo accurate it made me s--- please take the quiz i will sacrifice my child to the tw,ky hall cult please help aaahh he’s screaming in the fires hhhhhaaa

Created by: helpme
  1. which albumbum
  2. which colsor
  3. what’s ur vfavrotie song by tally hally
  4. whats ur favorite food
  5. facepite tally hall song part 2
  6. which memember do you want to kill
  7. mary kate or ashley
  8. do u love minors are you a groomer
  9. aahhhhhhh
  10. farvotiee memevd
  11. what would you go to jail for?
  12. ok bye
  13. are you a goof

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