Who would you date in my hero academia?

Hi. I’m Julia please dint take any of this offensive! I am just found this bc I’m low key kinda bored rn so if there’s someone you’d like to get that wasn’t here I’m so so so sorry!

I am just trying to do this for the best! (And because I am bored) I want everyone to get who they want (kinds of) and I hope you do! I hope you enjoy this quiz I worked really hard.

Created by: hi
  1. Who is your my hero academia crush?
  2. Are you a guy or a girl? (This is just you don’t end up with guy if you’re a guy or a girl if you’re a girl)
  3. How do you feel today?
  4. What your quirk?
  5. Let fate decide
  6. What is your name?
  7. Are you a hero or a villan (will effect your score)
  8. Let the smiles decide
  9. Who would want you’re partner to be?
  10. Did you like this quiz? 🤡🤡

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