Who do I like more?

This quiz will help you make that awfully hard decision... Who do you like more? I have done so many of these quizzes yet nothing helps. I hope this quiz helps you.

Everyone deserves true love and if you cant choose who to go for that's tough. Let me know if this helped you out all. I hope you all find the guy/girl you are looking for.

Created by: Keeley
  1. Who is hotter?
  2. Who do you talk to more?
  3. Who do you hang out with more?
  4. Do you have classes with Person A?
  5. Do you have classes with Person B?
  6. Who starts conversation more?
  7. Who is easier to talk to?
  8. Does Person A like you?
  9. Does person B like you?
  10. Do you know who you like more now?

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