Which Tom and Jerry character are you?

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This is the Tom and Jerry character survey… take this survey and see what character you got? Take it and see who you are in the Tom and Jerry world… there are many possibilities by we limited it into 10 character I like mostly…

Which one are you? Are you Tom, Jerry or something else… which one are you? Have this survey taken and also see your result like so… and have fun being like this for your life…

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. First question… What is your gender?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Do you get kidnapped all the time?
  4. Are you the icon or your perspective merchandise?
  5. What is your Disney equivalent?
  6. DO YOU BLEED??????!!!!!!
  7. Are you the main characters?
  8. Is your name like Susan?
  9. Do you win at punchies?
  10. Last question… Do you appear as a hot wheels Character car?

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Quiz topic: Which Tom and Jerry character am I?
