Which TADC Character are you like?

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Hi there, and welcome to the first Amazing Digital Circus quiz! Find out what TADC character you're most like! Are you like Pomni? Jax? Ragatha? Gangle? Kinger? Zooble? Caine? Take this quiz!

Remember, every answer might not be accurate, and if it upsets you, don't take it seriously. The Amazing Digital Circus is originally owned by Gooseworx, and produced by Glitch Productions!

  1. First off, what's your age?
  2. Next, what's your gender?
  3. Now, some scenarios. You're trapped in a dark room. There's a jester hat, a bowling ball, a sewing needle, a tragedy mask, a pink triangle, a king chess piece, and a pair of teeth. which do you pick?
  4. If you could wish for anything, what would it be?
  5. Out of all these quotes, which one is your favourite?
  6. Who is your favourite TADC character?
  7. What is your personality?
  8. Who's your favourite side character? (Episode 2 included.)
  9. Almost done! Which episode are you most excited for? (Won't affect your score.)
  10. All done! See you next time!

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Quiz topic: Which TADC Character am I like?
