Which Squirrel Are You Most Like?

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This is a quiz that will determine the squirrel you are most associated with, not that you probably ever were associated with a squirrel, but, whatever...

So are you a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel or a Western grey squirrel? This quiz will let you know! I hope you enjoy it and are satisfied with your result.

Created by: Nat & Penny
  1. Your friends describe you as-
  2. You would consider yourself-
  3. Are you athletic?
  4. Do you prefer morning or night?
  5. You are intelligent
  6. Graceful or cute?
  7. Are you liking the quiz so far? :3
  8. Do you favor Cavapoos?
  9. Because I have one, her name is Penny!
  10. Anyways, last question. You are-

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Quiz topic: Which Squirrel am I Most Like?
