Which Schuyler Sister are You?

Are you bold Angelica, quiet Eliza, or tomboyish Peggy? Are you more involved in the arts and literature or tree climbing and swimming? Maybe you're more of the feminist type. Either way, this quiz is sure to reveal which Schuyler Sister you are.

And even though I know most people skip these parts, please please please read this: leave a like. My quizzes have very little support, and as many as I've made, No one every leaves a like.

Created by: Lazy Rainwing
  1. Do you stand out?
  2. Do you have a crush on anyone?
  3. What color?
  4. Pick an outfit.
  5. Pick an activity.
  6. Would you date Alexander Hamilton?
  7. Cat or dog?
  8. Do you like the war?
  9. Would you date King George? (lol jk this has no effect)
  10. Okay, last one. Are you...

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Quiz topic: Which Schuyler Sister am I?
