Which Sanders Side Fits You the Most?

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This quiz will help you see what kind of Sander side you most resemble, whether I will be Jance or Remus or Virgil or Patton or Logan or Roman there may be a chance you won't get the one you want it just helps you through personality-wise.

Like if you get Virgil, it doesn't mean you are mostly Anxiety it means you act more like him Personality-wise. Of it swing too far to home that's okay, some of the Questions are fun but some are personal. Which one of the Sander Sides is you most like?

Created by: Ayla Lake
  1. Do you believe or think you are a good person at heart?
  2. Do you enjoy vibrant social events with lots of people?
  3. Do You often spend time exploring unrealistic yet intriguing ideas?
  4. Do you often think about what you should have said in a conversation long after it has taken place?
  5. If your friend is sad about something, your first instinct is to support them emotionally, not try to solve their problem. Agree?
  6. Do People rarely upset you? (like make you angry?)
  7. Do you often rely on other people to be the ones to start a conversation and keep it going.
  8. Do you rarely worry if you made a good impression on someone when you meat some one new?
  9. Would it be a challenge for you to spend the whole weekend all by yourself without feeling bored?
  10. When looking for a movie to watch, do you can spend ages browsing the catalog?

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